We hope you enjoy Married Too Young and visit our site as we continue to grow.

I’m so excited to be discussing this topic with other like-minded people who either have gone through the experience of being Married Too Young or know someone who might be going through one of the many stages right now. I’m new at this but I am going to try and work on it as much as possible. Thank you for your patience and your interest!!
March 9, 2024
It has been too long since I’ve been on my website to make changes. So long, in fact, that I’ve forgotten how to edit my pages. I just turned 65 this week and I have decided to immerse myself into finishing the project I started. I have created the book Married Too Young on Canva and now I just have to figure out what to do to have it published on Amazon. Many changes have occurred in my life which never surprises me anymore. The biggest lesson I have learned is that nothing ever stays the same in this life. There are ups and downs that come with joy and pain. People can either lift you up or bring you down and sadly, sometimes they do both. We are all only human and it amazes me at how easy it is for someone to hurt you when they are supposed to love you, especially when you only ever show them love. But, hey, it happens and it will take many of you years to understand it’s not your fault and you didn’t deserve to be treated that way. I know it did me. But even when I think I have learned that valuable lesson someone can still knock the breath out of me and leave me feeling kicked in the guts. It’s not always a love interest either, many times it can be friends or family members. I’m gonna keep on keeping on though. So keep an eye out for my book announcement because I swear, this time I will complete my project and share it with the world. Much love and appreciation for anyone who reads this and take good care of your beautiful heart.
May 10, 2024
Here it is two months later and I have accepted that I will never understand why I keep having to go through the pain of rejection. I have asked myself over and over what it was I did to deserve being treated this way. I thought this person and I had reunited or “moved forward” as she called it. Things seemed so lovely. We shared lunches, texts, occasional chats and even joyous news. I looked forward to the future it would bring. Then it all changed. The joy came and I was completely shut out of the moments it brought. I know anyone has a right to walk away from me, it’s their choice. I just don’t understand how they can be so intentionally cruel. All I do know is they will never be able to do that to me again. No matter how much I love someone, I won’t put myself through such pain. Occasionally I will feel the sting of what they have done but I know from experience that after awhile it won’t hurt as much. I’m in my twilight years and I want to be able to breathe again. No more crying!
Enough of that, I say to me. Turn off the tear spigot. It will be what it will be, I can’t change any of it!